The CPP library for STM32F4 users, libtwlab_stm32f4.a, is composed of five areas including the root area. In this post, we will explain the header files included in each folder and provide detailed descriptions of the basic functions provided in each file.
폴더 구성
libtwlab_stm32f4.a is composed of four folders: twarelabType.h file and BaseClass/, Common/, ExtendedClass/, UBoot/.

This header file is the top-level header file of the library, which includes various Define declarations and structure declarations for ease of use that are used globally throughout the library, as well as enum declarations.
The BaseClass folder contains Peripheral Classes that encapsulate the control of each peripheral.
Peripheral 지원 Class
The currently supported peripherals are ADC, GPIO, I2C, SPI, Timer, and UART, each of which is encapsulated as BaseADC, BaseGPIO, BaseI2C, BaseSPI, BaseTimer, and BaseUART, respectively.
Class Name | Description | STMLibrary |
BaseGPIO | It contains variables and member functions for controlling GPIO. | LL Driver Base |
BaseTimer | A class for processing elapsed time by linking it with a Timer interrupt. | LL Driver Base |
BaseUART | The class for UART control is based on DMA operation | LL Driver Base |
BaseADC | The ADC class is used for controlling the ADC (analog-to-digital converter) peripheral. It allows for extracting 12-bit ADC values and their corresponding voltage values | LL Driver Base |
BaseI2C | The class for controlling I2C, currently tailored for reading and writing to EEPROM | HAL Driver Base |
BaseSPI | The class for controlling SPI is implemented based on DMA. It provides the basic functions for initializing the SPI interface, sending and receiving data using DMA, and checking the status of the interface | LL Driver Base |
기타 Class
Class Name | Description |
BaseQueue | A class for managing data buffers |
BaseTask | The Task class is used as a management unit for processing functions |
BaseCmdTask | The Task class for tasks that require data parsing, such as AT commands |
For more detailed explanations about member variables and member functions of each class in the libtwlab_stm32f4.a library, you can refer to the GitHub page provided in the link mentioned earlier.
Class | Description |
ConsoleTask | The task for outputting debug messages through the console UART port |
TaskManager | This is a Manager class that manages the sequential execution of multiple tasks |
TimerManager | The Manager class manages the status of the BaseTimer objects included in each Task |
FieldInfo | This is a class for managing the positions and lengths of each field in the EEPROM |
FlashHandler | This is a class for performing operations on the Flash memory area of the MCU |
crc16 | A function that calculates the CRC16 value from a byte array is included |
crc32 | The function for calculating the CRC32 value from a byte array is included |
jtag | This function included in the library reads the JTAG ID value in the MCU |
Class | Description |
BpUART | BaseUART 클래스를 상속받아 UART Swap에 필요한 추가적인 기능을 제공합니다. |
ATCmdTask | This is a Task Class that includes the functions necessary for processing AT Commands |
Class | Description |
STM32UBoot | A Class that implements the STM32 UBoot protocol |