About twareLAB

New test solution for IoT Device

Based on the high technology of IoT devices, twareLAB provides automated solutions and services
for small and medium manufacturers that are difficult to deploy their own smart test processes.
Our solution collects and analyzes all of the log data from the testing process with cloud services,
which can help improve the quality of the product by extracting not only improvements
in the testing process but also improvements in the product itself.
Through constant innovation and efforts to address the challenges of manufacturers,
we continue to take on new challenges day by day to create the best solutions for our customers to achieve their goals.
Together with future partners, twareLAB, see the infinite possibilities for a successful business.


testX JIG

Best standard test JIG
for multiple PCBA test

TW100 Series

Multi-port Serial to Ethernet module

testX Service

Provide best testing solutions with outstanding our technology.

Rich development skills and know-how

Various F/W, S/W development experiences
Securing expertise with a specialized system

Optimized with custom development

Establish clear development goals through
consulting, delivering specialized solutions to customers

Systematic Clear Process

Clear each stage of development,
Open communication, smooth communication

Complete technical support

Build a reliable use environment, provide
manual, and provide a free maintenance window

Embedded Device Test

Analyze the product and the purpose of testing to provide automation solutions and systems for functional testing in the inspection phase.

Customizing Solutions

Based on over 20 years of engineer experience and professional know-how, Provide the right solution for your goals.


twareLAB story, technical note, product tutorial, application notes, ...

[STM32F4] STM32CubIDE에서 CPP Project 만들기

빈 프로젝트 생성 본 예제는 twareLAB의 TW100PC를 기반으로 한다. TW100PC는 STM32F405RG MCU를 사용하기 때문에 새로운 프로젝트를 생성할 때 MCU 선택을 해당 MCU를 지정해야 한다. 프로젝트 이름은 BaseGPIOTest라고 지정한다. Clock 지정 TW100PC는 12MHz 외부 Clock 소스를 Read more…

[STM32F4] Description of libtwlab_stm32f4.a Configuration

STM32F4 사용자를 위한 CPP 라이브러리인 libtwlab_stm32f4.a는 root 영역을 포함 총 5개의 영역으로 구성되어 있다. 본 포스트에서는 각 폴더에 포함된 헤더 파일을 설명하고 각 파일에서 제공하는 기본 기능에 대해서 상세하게 서술한다. 라이브러리 위치: https://github.com/twarelab/STM32F4_CPP_Library 폴더 구성 Read more…
